Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm close :)

Close to getting back my good golf scores again. I shot an 87 on the weekend. Not very spectacular but there were some promising developments. I hit some good long drives, decent mid irons and my putting was solid. 

There was a bit of fade in most of my shots but nothing too distance zapping. I also switched to the Callaway HX Red ball. Cheaper than the black tour version and probably more suited to my swing speed. I can hit the range more often with the money I save :)

Where I did falter was my short / wedge game. This plus a few wayward drives really hurt me with some double bogeys.

One of my buddies that played was swinging his new R7. Now I used to average about the same distance with him on our drives. But I was quite suprised to find that he was outdriving me by a good 10m / 20m. Even when I hit a solid 240m drive, he was 10m past me eventhough his ball rolled through the rough. I'm using a Callaway Hawkeye 9' (old tech) and now I'm wondering if I should upgrade my driver. It'll make me hit further... but that's no good if I'm just going to be further into the bushes :)

I was considering a hybrid to help me with those shots out of tricky lies. Maybe that's the smart purchase. It would be a good club to use on those long par 5's when I'm not too confident with my 3w. It might be a little Christmas present to myself later this year. :)

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